Our story is made of health, quality and sustainability. From Portugal to Europe.

Fresh 52
The Project

The Project

Portugal - Europe's hub for baby carrot production.

Based in Almeirim, Portugal, Fresh 52 will be the only European producer of fresh baby carrots. The region’s climate, combined with technology and optimized production processes, means that year round, 52 week production is assured in supplying the European market with fresh product where demand is high.

The Product

The Product

Ready to eat Baby Carrots.

The success of peeled, ready-to-eat baby carrots is explained by two factors: they can be used as a convenience product (no need to peel) and, they can be consumed as a fresh and healthy snack, which is a high growth food segment in Europe.

European consumers are increasingly looking for healthy foods and snacks. Baby carrots respond to this need as a natural, fresh, and convenient alternative.


We aim to be carbon neutral by 2050, and to work towards regenerative agriculture.

This project is being built to promote not only environmental protection, but also the regeneration of natural resources.

Fresh 52 aims to be carbon neutral by 2050 and will work toward regenerative agriculture. The operational facilities will be built with high energy efficiency and, the construction of a photovoltaic solar plant will satisfy part of the production's electrical needs. The site will have a wastewater treatment plant that will allow water to be reused for crop irrigation.

Fresh 52 will be vertically integrated and will partner with local farming groups. Fresh 52 will train the farmers on growing techniques while supplying them with seeds to insure quality and consistency of product.

Social responsibility

Committed to protecting human and social rights in its own operations and supply chain.

The SEDEX (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange) audit will be implemented to protect workers' human rights, health, and safety. The Farmer’s contract has been designed to provide the farming community with a unique opportunity to receive guaranteed profit and high revenue stream from the farming of Fresh 52 carrots.

Social responsibility

Here. Ready. Let’s thrive.

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